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Foley Primary School 60 Ballymacnab Road Co Armagh


11th Jun 2024
A brilliant day was had by all at the recent Foley Sports Day. Thank you to all who...
23rd May 2024
So after weeks of careful nurturing it was time to set the butterflies free. From...
28th Mar 2024
The P.2 class have been busily constructing away at play, what they create displays...
12th Mar 2024
Earlier this year Primary 1 took part in an art competition, where they were asked...
1st Mar 2024
This week we have been reading Oliver’s Milkshake in class. The children were...
19th Jan 2024
The P.2s have been exploring painting techniques. They have found out about colour...
5th Jan 2024
Santa has been very generous to the boys and girls in Primary 1 this year. Today...
21st Dec 2023
This week in Primary 1, the children came together with their P7 buddies to make...
1st Dec 2023
This week in P1 we have been learning about money. We set up a class shop and used...
1st Dec 2023
On Thursday the P.1s and 2s became brilliant boffins as they had a STEM workshop....