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Foley Primary School 60 Ballymacnab Road Co Armagh


2021/2022 School Year

10th Feb 2022
To celebrate children’s mental health week we had a great discussion about...
10th Feb 2022
To celebrate Mental Health week in Primary 6 & 7, the children were learning...
9th Feb 2022
  Children’s Mental Health Week To celebrate Children’s Mental...
8th Feb 2022
This week is children’s mental health week. We had a great discussion about...
7th Feb 2022
Well done to all of the children who received Mathletics Certificates for January.
4th Feb 2022
  This week marked the start of our walking challenge for the month of February....
4th Feb 2022
The P.2s have taken to their daily mile like ducks to water 🦆 They’re...
1st Feb 2022
The children made St.Brigid’s Day crosses in the hall today, they all had plenty...
1st Feb 2022
Primary 5 took part in a STEM workshop learning all about circuits. They learnt about...
28th Jan 2022
This week we have been working alongside our partner schools Clea Ps and Faughart...