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Foley Primary School 60 Ballymacnab Road Co Armagh


2020/2021 School Year

21st Jun 2021
The P1 children entered a colouring competition supported by the Ulster Farmers’...
21st Jun 2021
The P1/2/3 children had a fantastic time last Friday, at Peter Pan’s in Portadown....
16th Jun 2021
Today we had show and tell in P1. The children brought in a little toy and they said...
11th Jun 2021
Today saw Primary 6 and 7 play St. Michael’s Clady in our first match of the...
9th Jun 2021
As part of our World Around Us work on air, today P.2&3 made paper helicopters...
3rd Jun 2021
28th May 2021
Lots of great work going on in the P.2&3 room, learning about pirates, rhyming,...
28th May 2021
Well done to all of the boys and girls who received certificates today. It is wonderful...
27th May 2021
🦭🦑🦀The children are enjoying our topic Under the Sea. They...
21st May 2021
The children of Primary 6 & 7 had the fantastic opportunity yesterday to partake...