Access Keys:

Foley Primary School 60 Ballymacnab Road Co Armagh


2020/2021 School Year

21st May 2021
Many of you will have heard about the Summer Scheme that schools are being asked...
19th May 2021
The sun was out this afternoon to help kickstart Primary 3/4 Sports Club! The boys...
19th May 2021
Today kickstarted the Cycling Proficiency Scheme in Primary 7 where we learn how...
18th May 2021
The children made an erupting volcano today. We mixed bicarbonate, washing up liquid,...
14th May 2021
As the theme of Mental Health Awareness week was nature, we marked it by planting...
14th May 2021
Please read the following letter regarding afterschool activities.
13th May 2021
As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, we made our own homemade stress balls in...
12th May 2021
If we can’t get to Croke Park, we’ll take Croke Park to us. The boys...
12th May 2021
This is Mental Health awareness week and the theme is Nature. We decided to practice...
11th May 2021
🇶🇦🏐🏑 Ahead of their virtual Tour of Croke Park, Primary...